Community Concern of Orphans and Development Association Tanzania (COCODA) invites competent and motivated applicants to apply for the  following positions; 

✅Project Manager – 1 Position 

 Location: Njombe Region 

Reports to: Technical Director  

Position Description:  

Job Objective: To assist the Director in providing overall leadership and management of  USAID Kizazi Hodari project implementation in the Njombe Region (Njombe Town  Council, Njombe District Council and Makambako Town Council and Wanging’ombe  District council), and ensure efficient and effective linkages,  collaboration, and  networking with respective Local Government Authorities. 

Roles and Responsibilities:  

  • Provide overall technical, operational, and administrative support to project staff  and promote an organizational culture where policies and values are observed.
  • Oversee project budget including tracking spending, disallowed cost, approving  travel requests, staffs liquidation, and reviewing and approving all project  expenses.
  • Play a leadership role responsible and accountable for timely, quality project  implementation across Njombe Councils (Njombe TC, Njombe DC,  Wanging’ombe DC and Makambako TC)
  • Work in collaboration with DSWO, DMO, DACC, CHACC in Njombe TC, Njombe  DC, Makambako TC, Wanging’ombe DC and Njombe TC and Deloitte technical  coordinators at a zonal level to ensure high quality project activities delivery.
  • Ensure preparation and timely completion and submission of narrative reports  (Weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual) to the Director. ∙ Work with Data and M&E Officers to ensure that appropriate data is obtained to  produce high quality timely reports.
  •  Performs other related tasks as needed

 Qualification and experience  

  • Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Public Health, Economic Development,  Community Development, or relevant degree.
  • At least 3 years’ relevant experience.
  • Previous experience in managing staff
  • Experience in at least one of the following technical areas: Economic  strengthening, Youth and Adolescent work, Case Management, Bi-Directional  Reference, ECD, or Child protection.
  • Fluency in English and Kiswahili. ∙ Understanding of OVC issues and child protection
  • Flexible to work beyond normal working hours.
✅M&E Officer – 1 Position

LocationNjombe Region  

Reports to: Project Manager  

Position Description:  

Serve as an active member of the COCODA Tanzania management team for the  implementation of the USAID Kizazi Hodari project with the primary responsibility of  strategic leadership and management of Monitoring and Evaluation functions under the  leadership and direction of the Project Manager.


The Assistant Monitoring and Evaluation officer must develop a close working  relationship with the technical team (ESO, CMOs and HTOs etc.) to ensure quality data  is collected and entered in the database. The assistant M&E Officer will be responsible  for: 

  • Support in implementing and overseeing monitoring and evaluation activities at  the council level, including development of COCODA M&E plans and data  collection frameworks to support data management, and reporting.
  • Support data analysis for their respective councils, visualization and use of data  to assess daily and monthly COCODA performance trends and help COCODA  management to interpret program performance and implications of data for  programming.
  • Participate actively in generating data for COCODA management monthly and  quarterly narrative reports or other reports, as needed.
  • Organize and supervise routine internal data quality assessments (DQAs) for each  council under the management of the COCODA.
  • Play a coordinating function for producing data and feeding to COCODA  management for program decision making at the council and organizational  levels.
  • Provided technical assistance to COCODA technical team members (CMOs, HTOs  and ESOs on developing and monitoring targets in compliance with the developed  and approved M&E plan.
  • Conduct and coordinate the provision of regular data collection and entry visits to  Community Case Workers (CCWs); identify data entry challenges and provide  technical assistance on data entry to CCWs.
  • Serve as a mentor to COCODA technical team members (CMOs, HTOs and ESOs,)  and provide technical assistance in various areas relating to M&E function. ∙ Organize and coordinate quarterly data review meetings at councils’ level by  supporting program performance presentation preparations, and data  interpretation.
  • Organize and manage all Quality Improvement (QI) activities of the COCODA  and other tasks as assigned

Qualifications and experience  

  • Bachelor’s degree in statistics, public health, Information technology, Computer  science, demography, or other social science areas.
  • Academic qualification in monitoring and evaluation will be an added advantage. ∙ The ideal candidate will have at least 3 years of professional experience working  in Monitoring, Evaluation, and reporting, preferably working with donor funded  programs.
  • 2 – 3 years’ work experience supporting technical or programmatic activities in  orphans and vulnerable children (experience with health facility setting a plus) ∙ Experience with DHIS2 preferred other software.
  • Experience implementing qualitative and quantitative research
  • Report writing and publication skills
  • Excellent written, oral and presentation skills in English and Kiswahili ∙ Excellent people and partnership skills.
  •  Collaborative team player with leadership skills
  • The candidate should have experience in training / workshop facilitation,  mentoring and a proven ability to develop and maintain effective work  relationships with government and other NGO counterparts.

✅Health and Technical Officers (HTOs)– 2 Positions

Location: Njombe Region  

Reports to: Project Manager  

Position Description

The Health Technical Officer (HTO) will be responsible for coordinating the  implementation of Kizazi Hodari project health services to the assigned council. He/she  will work closely with the Kizazi Hodari regional team, RHMT and CHMT to ensure the  provision of high-quality health services including; case identification and linkage to care  and treatment, follow up of ITT and return them to treatment coordinating linkages and  adherence support for HIV care and treatment to clients in their assigned councils and  insure on time viral load sample taken to the project beneficiaries. 

Roles and Responsibilities:  

  • Represent the CSO and coordinate with the Council Health Management Team  regarding HIV and health-related activities.
  • Hold monthly coordination meetings with Care and Treatment Centres (CTC) in  the implementation area to support shared confidentiality, facilitate case  conferencing, improve the bi-directional referral system, and ensure HIV-positive  beneficiaries receive needed services.
  • Support Early Childhood Development (ECD) corners at targeted health facilities,  including regular monitoring and supportive supervision.
  • Support Community Case Workers (CCWs) to work with high pediatric volume  CTCs to trace HIV-positive OVC who miss appointments, enroll them into the  Kizazi Hodari project and link them back to CTCs.
  • Support CCWs to conduct HIV risk assessments for OVC during case  management; refer and link at-risk OVC to HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC).
  • Schedule quarterly Sexual Reproductive Health  Education outreaches to teen  clubs and organize HTC outreaches for adolescents with high-risk behaviors.
  • Work with EGPAF to roll out a supplemental HIV curriculum to CCWs and ensure  CCWs provide appropriate support to HIV-positive OVC and caregivers.
  • Support CCWs to strengthen the capacity of caregivers to support HIV-positive  OVC and ensure CCWs refer HIV-positive OVC and caregivers to PLHIV support  groups.
  • Ensure screening of caregivers for depression and link them to appropriate  services.
  • Support the rollout of evidence-based curriculums relating to HIV (e.g. Stepping  Stones, Sinovuyo Teens, Sexual Reproductive Health Education, Care for Child  Development, etc.)
  • Support the establishment of a bi-directional referral system to monitor  beneficiaries through the HIV continuum of care as well as service completion for  other health and social services.
  • Monitor implementation, bottlenecks, and performance metrics of the bi directional referral system; proactively offer solutions, conduct quality  improvement activities, and implement adjustments to improve referral  outcomes.
  • Coordinate quarterly district-level quality improvement meetings with relevant  bidirectional referral system stakeholders; ensure actions from the meetings are  implemented and the bi-directional referral system is improved.
  • Work with the M&E officer to ensure all bi-directional referral data are accurate  and produced weekly; use data for decision-making.
  • Lead the development of a service directory for health, nutrition, and HIV services  in the implementation area; update the directory at least once a year. ∙ Support CCWs to conduct nutrition activities, including nutrition assessments,  counseling, and linkage to other nutrition service providers.
  • Provide continuous supportive supervision to CCWs to ensure the provision of  health related services and referrals and linkages to beneficiaries.
  • Submit timely updates to the Program Coordinator for inclusion in the quarterly,  semiannual, and annual reports.
  • Document lessons learned and best practices for experience sharing and  replication. Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by the Project Manager.

Qualification and experience 

  • At least 2-5 years of experience working in HIV/AIDS Community projects.
  • A Diploma/Degree in medical/nursing with good experience in HIV/AIDS  programs, and a sound knowledge of HIV/AIDS care and treatment.
  • Possessing a medical degree will be an added advantage.
  • A good team player with demonstrated skills and experience in leading and  coaching the team.
  • Ability to network and maintain professional relationships with the LGAs and  other stakeholders at the Council level.
  • Excellent written, presentation, communication and organizational skills in both  English and Kiswahili
  • Good understanding of council-level healthcare system
  • Flexible to work beyond normal working hours.
✅Case Management Officer (CMO): 2 Positions 

Location: Njombe Region  

Reports to: Project Manager  

Position Description 

The overall purpose of the Case Management Officer Position in USAID Kizazi Hodari  Project is to provide strategic leadership and management of the National Integrated  Case Management System (NICMS) functions at the CSO and council levels. The job  holder will ensure high quality case management services are offered to OVC caregivers  and Children and Adolescents living with HIV.  

Roles & Responsibilities:  

  • Oversee Case Worker Coordinators and provide overall leadership for case management  activities.
  • Share direct supervision responsibilities of Community Case Workers (CCWs), Lead  Case Workers (LCWs) and Community Health Workers (CHWs) with Case Management  Coordinators.
  • Disseminate and ensure adherence to case management, child protection, referral and  linkages, parenting, and M&E guidance, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and other  job-aids that facilitate holistic case management at the household/community levels.

Job Details, 

  • Ensure that case management services delivered address the holistic needs of OVC  and caregivers including health, nutrition,  education, protection, livelihoods, and  psycho-social well-being.
  • Conduct quality step-down trainings to Case Management Coordinators and  CCWs.
  • Regularly monitor case management activities and use the information to improve  case management quality and implementation.
  • Ensure CCWs complete required case management forms and ensure the case  filing system is developed and maintained.
  • Work in partnership with local government authorities as appropriate, including  but not limited to District Executive Directors (DEDs), Council Health  Management Teams (CHMTs), District Social Welfare Officers (DSWOs), and  Ward-level officials.
  • Create community linkages for broader community engagement of youth and  caregivers in case management, child protection, parenting, etc.
  • Map existing community cadres (Community Health Workers, Home-Based Care  Workers, Para-Social Workers, etc.) in communities and assist government  officials to recruit and select CCWs for the National Integrated Case Management  System (NICMS) Training for CCWs.
  • Ensure that all CCWs are oriented to the Child Protection Policy and Code of  Conduct; take all cases of child abuse seriously and follow national protocols to  ensure timely reporting.
  • Ensure CCWs are coordinating with local structures including health facilities and  NPA-VAWC Committees.
  • Lead the development of a service directory for social services (in coordination  with the Health and HIV services Officer) in implementation areas; update the  directory at least once per quarter.
  • Ensure that Case Management Coordinators are providing continuous mentoring  and support to CCWs; directly conduct supportive supervision to Case  Management Coordinators and CCWs.
  • Submit timely updates to the Program Manager for inclusion in the quarterly,  semi-annual, and annual reports.
  • Document specific case management lessons learned and best practices for  experience sharing and replication.
  • Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by the Project Manager.

Required Qualifications: 

  • Diploma in Social Work or Public Health. Diploma in Community  Development, Community Economic Development (CED), may be considered.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher, in the above-mentioned fields will be an added  advantage.

✅Economic Strengthening Officer (ESO)- 1 Positions 

Location: Njombe Region  

Reports to: Project Manager  

Position Description

Economic Strengthening Officer (ESO) is an important position for each Council Team  implementing USAID Kizazi Hodari project with an overall objective of supporting at  risk Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) and OVC Caregivers participation in  Economic Strengthening (ES) activities. The position holder will specifically strive to  integrate evidence based financial literacy modules to empower AGYW and OVC  Caregivers to establish and sustain viable Income Generating Activities (IGAs) at the  Councils Team level. 

Roles and Responsibilities 

  • Directly supervise and provide technical support to Kaya Facilitators (KFs) in his  or her Councils Team
  • Provide consistent monitoring, coaching and mentorship support to Kaya  Facilitator (KF) in his or her council and ensure that they master the skills.
  • Recruit and train KFs in the WORTH Yetu model and oversee KFs to establish and  support technically new and inherited WORTH Yetu groups at Councils Team
  • Ensure that KFs provide facilitation support for WORTH Yetu Groups and ensure  that 60% of project enrolled caregivers, destitute household members with lower  savings levels and interest join WORTH Yetu
  • Ensure that WORTH Yetu Groups establish Community Resource Mobilization  Committees (CRMC) to map community resources for social
  • Conduct overarching mapping of economic strengthening service providers in  implementation areas at Councils Team
  • Work with district-level TASAF to ensure USAID Kizazi Hodari Project is aware  of new expansion areas and that TASAF can refer TASAF beneficiaries to USAID  Kizazi Hodari Project for screening and
  • Roll out a Household Financial Literacy and Money Management curriculum to  KFs and ensure a quality roll out to WORTH Yetu members at Councils Team
  • Lead in conducting market assessments and creation of business networks and  learning and sharing cohorts within industry types at Councils Team
  • Train KFs to roll out a self-assessment tool with mature groups; establish  relationships with pro-poor financial
  • Provide continuous supportive supervision to KFs to ensure quality economic  strengthening programming through Instruction, Modelling, Rehearsing and  Feedback (IMRF) approach at Council Team
  • Submit timely economic strengthening and youth updates to the Program  Manager for inclusion in the quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports at  Councils Team
  • Document Economic Strengthening specific lessons learned and best practices for  experience sharing and replication at Council Team
  • Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by the Project Manager

Minimum required Qualifications, Experience and Skills  Education

  • Diploma in Business Administration, or economics, Community Development,  Community Economic Development (CED), Social Work
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher, in the above-mentioned fields will be an added


  • Strong M&E skills and experience in strategic information
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Swahili and English including  excellent training skills in working with adult learners, particularly at the  community
  • Able and willing to work flexible hours as needed without constant or close  supervision
  • Demonstrate leadership and team building
  • Diplomacy and negotiation skills that demonstrate an ability to  collaborate and  coordinate with a range of stakeholders and complex


  • At least two (2) years’ experience in a field position with an organization in public  health or OVC Experience in establishment, formation, and supporting  community groups, IGAs etc. preferred.
  • Experienced with PEPFAR 0 funded project in Tanzania.
  • Experience implementing program and donor regulations, systems, and ∙ Experience in an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach in development and social

Candidates are required to mention the ‘Position Title’ in the subject line of the e-mail.

All applicants MUST attach a cover letter and their updated Curriculum Vitae with  certified copies of academic certificates as supporting documents to their applications. 

All applications should be submitted no later than 16:00 Pm on 22nd September 2024 by  email, to:

Human Resource Manager, 

 COCODA Tanzania, 

 P.O.Box 712,  



Only short-listed applicants will be contacted

Warning: Please avoid deception agents, COCODA charges no cost for any job position  advertised. COCODA enhances equal opportunity to all qualified candidates.

The Kizazi Hodari program has three  Strategic Objectives: 

  1. Increase the use of OVC platforms for pediatric HIV case finding, linkage to  treatment and viral suppression 
  2. Increase access to HIV prevention, violence prevention and response services for  OVC and Youth 
  3. Improve the socio-economic capacity of at-risk adolescent girls and young women  (AGYW) and OVC caregivers 
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